Increasingly, enterprises need faster access to data of all types in their organizations.
Financial institutions have a requirement to retain all emails for many, and sometimes all, employees for 6 or 7 years. It turns out this trove of data can be of value to business units if they can find a way to harness it. Veritas Enterprise Vault TM customers can use the built in Search, Discovery and Compliance applications. These applications use the Enterprise Vault indexes which unfortunately are not very fast. Most environments have thousands of indexes, only a few of which will be in memory at any given time. Consequently, a search using the discovery application can take several minutes.
By creating a Catalogue of the metadata in Enterprise Vault, our Archive Accelerator Catalogue product can dramatically reduce the time it takes to do many searches. For example, it is possible to do a search of all external email accounts that a person sent mail to over the last week in seconds, rather than minutes.
Using the Catalogue to do such searches does require a certain amount of expertise with SQL, but the flexibility it provides is very valuable to many companies using it.
Recently, we’ve been working with Microsoft’s Power BI (Business Intelligence) which promises to not only make it much easier to perform ad-hoc queries on the data in the Catalogue, but also speed up those searches to provide sub-second response times. This is finally bringing the ‘Google-like’ experience to this data set that many companies have dreamed of.

Anyone can use Power BI today to build reports such as the one above using Archive Accelerator Catalogue, but we at Vault Solutions are working on templates to make it easier. Please contact us if you’re interested in learning more.