Many companies use VeritasTM Enterprise Vault as the repository of record for all their email, which is typically used for eDiscovery or Compliance purposes. Veritas does have eDiscovery and Compliance applications that obviously integrate very well with Enterprise Vault, but there are other companies that provide solutions customers may want to use. We sometimes receive requests from customers that, for whatever reason, want to use one of these 3rd party compliance applications with Enterprise Vault.
A 3rd party vender is not likely to have a tight integration with Enterprise Vault, but a connection can be made by setting up a system to automatically export messages from Enterprise Vault on a daily or even hourly schedule to be provided in an industry standard format, such as EML, MSG or PST.
Typically, a compliance application needs to look at just a subset of messages that are journaled. There will be a list of employees who are monitored (typically broker-dealers) and there may be other criteria as well. One company recently asked about getting a feed of messages sent to/from their broker-dealers, but only messages sent to less than a dozen recipients. Presumably, the thought is that a message sent to many recipients likely doesn’t include the type of mischievous behavior they are looking for.
I was once the Product Manager for the Veritas Compliance Accelerator product used with Enterprise Vault, so it isn’t pleasant to see people jump ship to a third party compliance solution, but it is certainly a benefit to Enterprise Vault customers to have options.
If you need assistance getting more out of your Enterprise Vault investment, let us know. We’re happy to help.